When I just arivred from my office in the afternoon, while I was sitting on my bed and hearing "Beraksi" song from Kotak Group, my friend Tisti tagged me to pick up an award. It's lovely blue award is called the International Bloggers Community. Well, thanks Tisti for the award.
Be a proud member of the International Bloggers Community!
Seems that a blogger called Bloggista Info Corner has created this award. But unlike other awards that are flying around our blogosphere, this one instructed us or anyone who gets the award to put his original link. Is this a new way to get as much as back link ?
Anyway, as an award is a form of appreciation and friendship, let’s just think positively, and stick to the rules, which are:
Questions and Your Answers :
1. Link the person who tagged you : Tisti
2. His/her site : Tisti Rabbani
3. Date when you were tagged : April 15, 2009
4. Person you tagged e's title and url:
And I dedicate this award for my blogger friend:
bayu nugroho
Sekar Lawu
So, let’s surfing the world and introduce our beautiful country and beautiful language to the world. Let's makes our action, and have fun!!
And, here another award (ini disusun berdasarkan urutan datangnya award) from my best friend Fanda, thanks Fanda. Frankly..., I like your blog too, Fanda. Sometimes I'll give you this kind of award too.
Here's the award :
Award ini saya anugrahkan kepada teman saya Tisti karena saya suka blognya. Tiap hari saya temukan kata-kata indah dan cerita lucu disana, itu yang membuat saya ingin selalu hadir ke blog Mbak tisti.
Ok mbak tisti, jangan lupa tugasnya:
1. Meletakkan logo/award di blog anda
2. Meletakkan link dari blog yang telah memberikan award
3. Berikan ke Blog lain
4. Buat link blog lain yang telah memberi anda award
5. Tinggalkan pesan di blog mereka.
Be a proud member of the International Bloggers Community!
Seems that a blogger called Bloggista Info Corner has created this award. But unlike other awards that are flying around our blogosphere, this one instructed us or anyone who gets the award to put his original link. Is this a new way to get as much as back link ?
Anyway, as an award is a form of appreciation and friendship, let’s just think positively, and stick to the rules, which are:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR
(PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR
(PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!
Questions and Your Answers :
1. Link the person who tagged you : Tisti
2. His/her site : Tisti Rabbani
3. Date when you were tagged : April 15, 2009
4. Person you tagged e's title and url:
And I dedicate this award for my blogger friend:
bayu nugroho
Sekar Lawu
So, let’s surfing the world and introduce our beautiful country and beautiful language to the world. Let's makes our action, and have fun!!
And, here another award (ini disusun berdasarkan urutan datangnya award) from my best friend Fanda, thanks Fanda. Frankly..., I like your blog too, Fanda. Sometimes I'll give you this kind of award too.
Here's the award :
Award ini saya anugrahkan kepada teman saya Tisti karena saya suka blognya. Tiap hari saya temukan kata-kata indah dan cerita lucu disana, itu yang membuat saya ingin selalu hadir ke blog Mbak tisti.
Ok mbak tisti, jangan lupa tugasnya:
1. Meletakkan logo/award di blog anda
2. Meletakkan link dari blog yang telah memberikan award
3. Berikan ke Blog lain
4. Buat link blog lain yang telah memberi anda award
5. Tinggalkan pesan di blog mereka.
mba thanks for the award y, it's really been....... been opo yooo? hayah sok2an inggris sayah... makasih mba, and congratz for the award! always ramekan dunia blogging ini...
ReplyDeleteWah...jadi kayak lempar-lemparan award. Hehehe...Makasih sdh dipasang ya hadiah dariku. Ayo tetep semangat nulis!!
ReplyDelete@bayu, yep mari hidupkan dunia dgn blogger.
ReplyDelete@Fanda, hehehehe, abis sy belum bnyk tmn di dunia blogger ini, jd sy kasih ke orang yg sy tau mmg layak dianugrahi award. Dan ternyata orangnya itu-itu juga. Tidak masalah toh, slm itu memacu teman2 utk jd blogger yg semakin kreatif. Selamat berkarya bwt mbak Fanda, keep writing
terimaksih atas awardnya..ya..bu..
ReplyDeleteakan saya pasang dirumahku..
tapi tidak mengerjakan apa2 ya...
waaa..kebagian jg ni, dr mbk Elly, makasih yaa...
ReplyDeletebahagianya akuu... ^_^
award y mba, waaaaa, makasih mba,,tp aq bingung ne alnya aq tu ga ngerti bhs ginian, maklum kelamaan di hutan kali y...ha-ha--
ReplyDeleteaduh,,maap yah baru bisa mampir,,makaih bgd buat awardnya,,keep smile!
ReplyDelete@boykesn, ya sdh sy liat kreatif skl.
ReplyDelete@tisti, sama2
@black_id, itu juga ala utan kok he
@inuel, ya keep smile too for you.
Mbak Trima kasih ya awardnya......saya lagi pesen lemari buat majangnya, tapi belum jadi. Ntar deh kalu sudah jadi saya akan pajang...Thx banget yaa...I luv U
ReplyDeleteselamat buat yang dapetin awar, terutama kepada empunya blog