Managing Our Own Soul Journey

Some Soul Journey of Mine, Kawasan Sembilang and Musi River

In the earlier morning of today, when the sun not yet appear in the sky. Wuaaaahhhhh.....that's my long stretching today. Hm.....what a lovely day, isn't it ? Hey, just a fews minutes friend, I need to pray and after that I need to make a cup of coffee.

Morning all. How are you today ? I's that a smile or a wrinkle on your forehead ?. Just smile friend, it's good for you. Hey I like your smile. Ok, today I want to share with you about something that flashing on my mind. It's about a Soul Journey. What is a soul journey? Soul Journey it's not a common journey. Not only our phisic on those journey but our heart, our soul not convinience. Not only a long travel, long vacation as a usual. Not jonly just.... long plane, check-in, check-out hotel, and tire.... after that our soul still empty. Soul journey is really a journey to make our mind, our soul fresh and happy, and the end, we have a new wisdom, a new fresh mind on our soul. Because our life is not only just a boring life, our life is a meaningful life. I dont know what is the rihgt world for that. But I prefer to say It's a Soul journey. It's about our own vision of soul journey.

A soul journey's start from our soul, and it's ending for our soul too. You can get it if you want it. So are you interesting to know more about how to manage your own soul journey, just follow me. Here some step to make our special soul journey :
  1. Plan your holiday carefully, with good step. Remember the aim of our journey is to achieve our soul fresh an happy so we can more wise and more creative to fill our day in the future. Start with important step as usual "What, Where, When, and How"
  2. Plan what place that you need to visit to make your soul fresh and happy. There's so many place in the world with good scenery, a place that have a wisdom spirit with their special locally wisdom, such as Bali, or Kampung Naga in West Java, Lombok, etc (sorry I just mention some place that I know, hehe). It's depend on your interest, depend on a special wisdom that you have. If you need a religious place just find it. You can find those place on the internet or come to your agent travel.
  3. When, in what holiday, in what season you have to go. It's up to you, you are the boss. Plan when you have the opportunity to make your dream, have a soul journey, come true. If you need a quite journey, dont choice it in a school holiday or a public holiday.
  4. Last but not least, plan how you manage your journey, your holiday to make a simple, a practically journey. It's just a technically step, but it's important. Plan what agent travel that you can use. Plan what bag you need to bring, what clothes you need to bring. But once again, just remember this is your soul jorney, so make it simple but meaningful, and more kindly to your soul.
  5. Do it with your own interest, do it with your happily soul. It's your soul journey.
Well, let's try it. I have it several times ago, it's really fresh, on the nextday I have my soul fresh and happy. So my life's more colourfull, more meaningful. Because life must go on, and our life's a long journey for us, make it more meaningful, with our own soul, with our own purity.

Selamat pagi wahai sahabat, para blogger, siapa saja yang membaca catatan ini. Ini hanya tulisan uji coba dari seorang yang menemukan jiwa baru. Perjalanan, liburan, wisata, apapun namanya, tidak akan banyak artinya bila diujung hanya lelah yang kita dapatkan. Perjalanan kita adalah perjalanan yang menginginkan jiwa lebih segar dan bahagia, dan pada akhirnya hidup akan terisi dengan kebijakan ala kita sehingga hidup ini lebih bermakna. Jangan sampai perjalanan wisata anda jadi kurang bermakna, bila anda menginginkannya, lakukan dengan keberanian untuk menwisatakan jiwa anda dengan hakekat sebenarnya dari sebuah perjalanan. Hidup ini juga adalah perjalanan panjang. Perjalanan panjang yang kita harapkan penuh makna. Seperti halnya mencontreng hari ini, (mencontreng atau tidak mencontreng) ini adalah perjalanan jiwa bagi kita semua. Selamat mencontreng, selamat membaca tulisan ini, silahkan ini dibalik bila anda mau.


  1. @Jeng,thanks, have a nice day too.

  2. Thanks for your tips...:)
    Managing the soul journey, it seems very interesting and fun...:D

    And also, thanks for your visit and your comments...It's nice to get to know you too...:)

  3. @Umi Rina, thanks for coming here. Thanks for your comment too. Nice to know you too.

  4. pertama: makasih atas kunjugan ke blog simple saya mbak. semoga bisa jadi lebih dekat. tidak harus bertemu untuk sebuah persahabatan kan..

    Kedua: "hidup adalah perjalanan panjang" kalimat ini bermakna untuk saya. terutama untuk jiwa yang tengah sakit ini. tulisannya penuh arti. makasih untuk kedua kalinya

    ketiga: pengen nanya, mbak elly sekarang stay di mana..?

  5. @Dwina, terimasih kedatangan dan komentarnya di tulisan ini. Saya di Palembang. Ya Dwina, hidup kita mmg suatu perjalanan panjang, yg mudah2an bukan long journey biasa, tp long journey yg penuh makna. Btw sy lg heran neh sm sitemeternya kok angkanya gak berubah sejak jam 2 sore td, pdhl sdh ada umi Rina, Sibaho, Dwina yg nongol disini. Lg error kali ya.

  6. kk, i luv holiday in sea.. really luv it. i dont know why, i'm fall in luv with sea.. ocean.. seafood hihi... its make me relax and.. romantis geto loo... [rokok makan gratiss... hehe]-ga diing, i feel fresh, hope get newsoul like u feel...
    [kaco dah... english na...]

    yup.. lelet abis inetnya kk... cabee deeh...

  7. @Ducky honey, of course it's your holiday. It's your own soul journer, you're the boss. Thanks for your comment. Yeah, emang lelet ya kemaren.

  8. cantiknya permandangan di waktu malam...bagusnya kalau saya ada si sana...boleh ambil gambar :-)


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